Parrot was lost shouting parrot songs on top of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower isn't such a nice place to be when lighting is screaming about. Parrot felt the energy like too-loud-handclaps in parrot ears. All the windows of Paris were closed to him save for one. Mouse had scurried little mouse steps around the city and found a perfect little room to find refuge from the rain and thunder and lighting and fright. Mouse braced mouse feet on the windowsill, holidng a mirror to reflect the shine of lightning. Mouse squeaked loud mouse songs-- and parrot saw the little reflection in the mirror. Parrot summoned up more courage and energy than possible and darted through wind and water, blinded by too-bright-light and pushed by gusts untill finally, parrot flew into mouse's small room. Mouse wrapped parrot in a plush warm towel. "Your mouse song saved me," parrot said. "Your parrot song worried me," mouse said.

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